Singular and Plural Form

Singular and Plural Form



Singular is a term in which a word refers to a single item.

Plural is a term in which a word refers to lots of items.


Person: seseorang >< Persons/People : beberapa orang.

Thing  : sebuah     >< Things              : beberapa buah.

Animal: seekor     >< Animals            : beberapa ekor.

*What have you learnt? Good. ‘beberapa’ can be translated as ‘some’.

Example in sentence :

  • Orang yang menyanyi di samping rumah adalah kakakku.

Translation : The person who sings a song beside the house is my brother/sister.

  • Orang-orang yang menyanyi di samping rumah adalah grup paduan suara.

Transalation : The people who sing a song beside the house is a choir.

  • Saya mempunyai beberapa ekor tikus.

Transalation : I have some mice.

  • Saya mempunyai seekor tikus

Transalation : I have a mouse.



  • beberapa ekor kelinci >> ‘beberapa’ shows the plural form, so you don’t have to say ‘beberapa ekor kelinci-kelinci’.
  • There are several other indefinite articles. They are specialized:
    • Secarik/selembar kertas a (piece of) paper.
    • Sebutir telur an egg.
    • Sebulir air mata a tear (liquid comes from the eye).
    • Sepotong roti a (piece of) bread.
    • Setetes air a dip of water.

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